Overview of the Wimba Classroom  Branding Image 

Overview of the Wimba Classroom Branding Image The Wimba Classroom is a live, virtual classroom environment with features including audio, video, application sharing, content display, and MP4 capabilities. Advanced features such as polls, whiteboards, on‐the‐fly pres‐
entations, chat areas and participant lists, usage analytic tools, and MP3 or MP4 downloads enable further dy‐
namic interaction between students and instructors. The Wimba Classroom consists of five primary components: 1. Content Frame 2. Presenter’s Console 3. Media Bar 4. Text Chat Area 5. Participant Area Each component will be explained in detail on the following pages. You can resize the individual components of the classroom by placing your mouse over the bar separating the areas you want to adjust. If you are hovering over a vertical bar, the cursor will change to a double‐sided arrow pointing left and right. If you are hovering over a horizontal bar, the cursor will change to an arrow pointing up and down. By clicking the mouse and dragging the bar, you will adjust the size of the components on either side of the bar. Page: 1 About the Content Frame Content Frame Presenter’s Console The Content Frame is the main focus of the classroom. Almost all content, including presentations, images, and text will appear in this frame. The Content Frame can be used to display a webpage; add text or drawings to an electronic whiteboard; share a desktop, window, or application with participants; or upload and display a PowerPoint presentation. The Content Frame is primarily controlled through the Presenter’s Console. Page: 2 About the Presenter’s Console The Presenter’s Console contains all the functions that are needed to lead a live presentation. It allows the instruc‐
tor or presenter to display content, start an archive, and manage breakout rooms, among other functions. The Presenter’s Console appears at the right‐hand side of the Content Frame when you log‐in to Wimba Classroom as a presenter. This console contains Archive Status Controls1, two tabbed sections (Content2 and Breakout Rooms3), and a content list with Content Folder access via a drop‐down menu4. 1 Archive Status Controls 3 2 The Archive Status Controls include a Recording button that is used to start/stop an archive. When an archive is not running, the Recording but‐
ton is black and the interface displays the words Archive : Stopped. 4 When you click the Recording button, you will be asked whether or not you want to start an archive of your live presentation. Once the archive has started, the Recording button turns red and the inter‐
face display the words Archive : Started. The Recording button can be clicked at any time to stop the archive. Content tab The Content tab enables the instructor or presenter to control what is displayed during a presentation. The functions on the Content tab can be used to display a webpage; add text or drawings to an electronic whiteboard; share a desktop, window, or application with participants; or upload and display a PowerPoint presentation. • The Web button allows a presenter to display a desired web page to the class. • The eBoard button turns the Content Frame into an electronic whiteboard, on which you can draw, type text, and import graphics. • The Share button activates Application Sharing, which allows the instructor or presenter to show or share applications running on his or her desktop with all participants. The instructor can also allow participants to share applications from their own desktops. • The Previous Slide button allows the presenter to navigate back to the previous slide in the slide list. • The Next Slide button allows the presenter to navigate to the next slide in the slide list. Page: 3 About the Media Bar The Media Bar allows participants to control their audio and video communication during a Wimba session. Media Bar The Media Bar contains the following items: •
NetStats: This field displays network statistics about your own Internet connection. •
Talk button: This button initiates your microphone and video broadcast (assuming you are set up and have the ability to transmit video. Unless you have the Lock Talk option turned on (to be described later), you must hold continue to hold down this button in order to continue to transmit video. •
Volume meters: These bars are colored bars indicate if you are sending or receiving audio. Options Menu •
Camera button: This button open or closes the video window. •
Telephone Simulcast button: This allows you to participate in the audio broadcast if you are not set up with a microphone or headset. •
Options menu: This allows you to specify advanced audio and video settings. Page: 4 About the Text Chat Area Text Chat Area The Text Chat Area allows the instructor and other presenters to chat with the participants, or the participants to chat with each other. There are two types of chat messaging: • Public Chat Messages sent are visible to everyone logged into the classroom. • Private Chat Messages sent are designated and only visible to a particular person logged into the classroom. To send a public chat message: 1. In the To: field drop‐down menu, make sure that the “Main Room” is selected. 2. Type your message and press the Enter key on your keyboard. The message will appear for everyone in their Text Chat Area. Each message sent will be preceded by the name of the person who sent it. To send a private chat message: 1. In the To: field drop‐down menu, select the name of the desired recipient. Presenters are listed directly below the “Main Room”, followed by participants. 2. Type the message and press the Enter key on your keyboard. The message will appear in the Text Chat Area only for the person you specified. You will also see the message displayed in your Text Chat Area in the format: “You tell Joe_Schmoe, “Hi, Joe. Are you paying attention?” To pause text chat: 1. Click the Pause icon located to the right of the chat message field. The icon will change to a Play icon indicating that the chat window is paused. 2. When you are ready to view new messages again, click the Play icon to resume. NOTE: This does not prevent chat messages from being received while you have paused the chat—it just delays your Text Chat Area from being refreshed with new messages. This can be helpful if you are trying to read a previous message that came in. Page: 5 About the Participant Area The Participant Area lists all the presenters and participants who are currently logged into the classroom. • Presenters will be listed in bold font at the top of the participant list. • Participants will be listed underneath the presenters, in alphabetical order. 1. Yes/No Indicator column: The second column can be used to indicate how participants have responded to a poll or a question. A “Yes” is represented by a checkmark [9] and a “No” is represented by the letter “X” [x]. Participants indicate their vote by clicking on the or the button in the bottom left‐hand corner of the Participant Area. 2. Handraising column: The third column will display a number next to a participant’s name when that participant clicks on the Hand Raise button [ ]. The numbers displayed will reflect the order in which participants have raised their hands. The individual participant can remove the symbol from their own row in the Participant Area by clicking on the Hand Raise button again. The instructor can also clear the entire Handraising column through the Actions selection box. 3. Status Indicator: The fourth column will display an emoticon next when that participant has selected an item from the Set Status selection box [ ]. The available emoticons include: − The “Clear Status” symbol will remove whatever emoticon is displayed from that participant’s Status field. − The “Away” symbol indicates to the instructor and other participants that the participant has stepped away from the Wimba session. − The “Approve” symbol indicates that the participant approves of what is being presented or discussed. − The “Disapprove” symbol indicates that the participant disapproves of what is being presented or discussed. − The “Surprise” symbol indicates to the instructor or presenter that the information being presented or dis‐
cussed was unexpected. − The “Confuse” symbol indicates to the instructor or presenter that the participant is confused by the topic being presented or discussed. − The “Clapping” symbol is typically used to express appreciation at the end of a presetation. − The “Laughing” symbol is used to express amusement at something being presented or discussed. − The “Go Faster” symbol is used to indicate that the participant would prefer that the instructor or presenter pick up the pace of the discussion or presentation. − The “Go Slower” symbol is used to indicate that the participant would prefer that the instructor or presenter slow down the pace of the discussion or presentation. Page: 1 Page: 6 More about the Participant Area The following columns in the Participant Area are Referred to as “Privilege Indicators”. Only Presenters are able to see these columns. 1. Speaking Privilege Indicator : This indicator lets a participant know if he or she has the ability to speak during a presentation. A circle with a plus sign [ ]
indicates that the speaking privilege is enabled for that participant; a circle with a minus sign [ ] indicates that the speaking privilege is disabled. 2. Video Privilege Indicator : This indicator lets a participant know if he or she has the ability to broadcast video during a presentation. If enabled, a symbol will appear in the video column (which is depicted with a [ ] in the column header) for that user. If the video privilege is disabled, a symbol will appear. 3. Text Chat Indicator : This column indicates whether the chat function is enabled or disabled for that individual participant. A circle with a plus sign [ ] indicates that the chat function is enabled for that participant; a circle with a minus sign [ ] indicates that the chat function is disabled. 4. Promotion Indicator : This indicator lets the instructor promote or demote participants to or from presenter‐ level status. A circle with a plus sign [ ] indicates that the participant has been given presenter‐level status; a circle with a minus sign [ ] indicates that he or she has not. The remaining buttons in the Participant Area are: 1. Show Room Pulse : This button is located beneath the Participant List, and provides current room data…. This data includes the total number of people logged in (People:), • Total number of people logged in ( = “People”) • Total number of “Yes” responses • Total number of “No” responses • Total number of Hand Raises • Total number of participants who have currently indicated they are “Away” from the class • Number of participants who have selected each of the status indicators (e.g. approve, clap, etc.) Page: 7 Still more about the Participant Area The remaining Participant Area buttons (continued): 2. Actions : This drop‐down menu helps the instructor to manage the classroom. From this menu, he or she can disable or re‐enable the chat area, the audio, and/or the video functions for the entire class, clear the Yes/No, Hand Raise, or User Status columns, lock the room so no more participants can log in, start a chat log, or reset the room. • Chat Logs record all public text chat messages entered during a presentation. They also include the activities users performed during the presentation (such as sharing their screen with the class). • The Reset Room action will restore a room (and any breakout rooms) to a fresh state. This includes: ∗ Returning all users who were in breakout rooms to the Main Room. ∗ Terminating all application sharing ∗ Demoting all participants who had been elevated to Presenter status ∗ Clearing all Yes/No responses ∗ Clearing all Hand Raises ∗ Clearing all Status Indicators ∗ Resetting audio/video/chat states to the Main Room default settings. ∗ Closing the Video window for all users ∗ Resetting the eBoard enabled state to the Main Room default setting. ∗ Removing all breakout rooms that were created on‐the‐fly ∗ Stopping any Archives that are running It is recommended that you use this option at the end of each session to ensure that the archive is stopped and the room is ready for future sessions. Page: 8 